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发布时间:2022-09-29 07:22:39单岚珍来源:
1、English youth Robinson in the middle class stability mediocre life, three times goes to sea restlessly the story which does business.Because meets the pirate to seize by a mole of person, after was several years slave to run away toward Brazil, has become the plantation ***.In order to solve the labor shortage problem, is going to Africa to trade the black slave to meet the storm to wander solitarily on the way to a nobody desert island.The novel mainly writes him on the island 28 years life.He defeats the pessimism, constructs the residence, the system household utensils, the docile wild animal, ploughs the land, seeks food with each method.Finally defeats the nature, improved the living conditions.Has rescued one in the 17th year indigenously, after trains into the oneself faithful servant.Latter obtains the new inhabitant, becomes this island ruler.Finally rides the English merchantmen to return to homeland.。
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