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发布时间:2022-08-05 07:36:34林震梦来源:
1、China, it is most coal producing and consuming country as it is few to take it as main once energy consumed country in the world. coal is in high proportion of our consumption energy structure. further, the most coal is for generating and heat thru burning like state-owned power station and boiler with coal firing as main methodology. however, this method is not highly utilizing the energy but polluting the environment, which is one of factors constrainted our sustainable developed strategy.this article consideres the balance of coal burning and low pollution and experiment evaluation to the new method by fired and burn the coal thru electron involving experiment design, build, preparation and prototype and study the consequence........connected with visible tubes and stoves, photoed and recorded burning status by high resolution camera, analysized thru professional sw like ansys, solidworks to expored burning status better. 采用气动-螺旋微量给粉器进行煤粉供给与输送,利用电旋风荷电器实现煤粉颗粒荷电,连接于可视滴管炉完成煤粉流燃烧,这句话请给出相关专业术语。
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