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Archaeological China on the Fingertips
发布时间:2022-12-10 11:58:19戚海香来源:
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Time buries everything with loess, and archaeology leads the future generations to meet the history. The ruins are silent, but the history can be heard. The endless charm and amazing vibrancy of Chinese civilization is expressed in the soil and cultural relics.
On December 9, Cover News will launch an interactive report on the theme of"Explore Archaeological China by the Fingertips". Netizen are invited to start from Sichuan to explore ten remarkable archaeological discoveries in China.
According to the Reporter, the theme H5 is based on ten major new archaeological discoveries in China in 2021, linking the prehistoric age to ancient China with historical sites and cultural relics. As the river of civilization flows and the axis of history ceaselessly extends, a vivid archaeological scroll is displayed in front of the netizen. Simply by sliding the fingertips, they can get a full view of archaeological discoveries around the country, to acquire knowledge, appreciate cultural relics and get known the culture.
The light of civilization is lively and ceaseless. At this time, let’s explore China in the archaeological search.
- Archaeological China on the Fingertips
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