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发布时间:2023-08-23 08:03裘利琼来源:
The Government retaliated by accusing The Times and Russell in particular of compromising the security of Allied operations in the Crimea. On this point the Government did have some grounds for criticism. It became known after the war that the Russian commander of Sebastopol, Prince Gortschakoff, was an avid reader of The Times; he had had copies of the newspaper forwarded to him from Warsaw throughout the siege of Sebastopol. Although Gorstchakoff stated that he had learnt nothing of value militarily from his reading of The Times, it is very doubtful that this was the whole truth given the comprehensive nature of some of the correspondents’ reports. However, The Times was able to defuse this potentially disastrous situation by revealing that Russell and the other correspondents had offered to allow their reports to be read and censored by the authorities before publication. This of course turned the tables on the Government, reinforcing in the public’s mind the picture of a government mired in incompetence. The result of all this was a vote of no confidence in the Government on 29 January 1855. The Government lost the vote by a majority of 157 and had to resign. The Times and its correspondent Russell had scored a massive victory against an incompetent and complacent administration.
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