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发布时间:2023-03-09 16:57:44逄有宽来源:
近日,中国水产科学研究院黑龙江研究所(Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences' Heilongjiang Fishery Research Institute)使用基因编辑育种方法培育出无肌间刺(俗称鱼刺)的鲫鱼第三代群体,剔除了鲫鱼体内肌间刺,只留下了脊椎和大的骨骼。此项研究标志着我国水产动物遗传育种领域在理论和技术层面取得了重大突破。
Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences' Heilongjiang Fishery Research Institute have cultivated the world's first crucian carp without intermuscular bones, marking a major theoretical and technical breakthrough in aquaculture genetic breeding.
The crucian carp is a tough-skinned, bony freshwater fish that is predominantly eaten in Eastern Europe and Asia. However, its tiny, intermuscular bones make it difficult to eat and process on an industrial scale. Genetically removing the intermuscular bones could open up extensive commercial opportunities.
A research team at the institute started a project to tackle the problem in 2009 and identified the key gene, from 1,600 candidate genes, that controls the growth of the fish's intermuscular spine. Biologists were able to knock out the gene, named bmp6, without affecting the fish's growth and reproduction.
"In 2020, we successfully cultivated the first generation of crucian carp without intermuscular bones with a success rate of 12.96 percent. The second generation in 2021 had a success rate of 19 percent,"said Kuang Youyi, a researcher on the team."At the beginning of 2022, we released around 20,000 fish of the third generation in our test base in Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang province, and began large-scale breeding."
从表面看,无肌间骨鲫鱼和正常鲫鱼并没有什么区别。该研究所表示,这项新技术采用基因编辑技术创制出无肌间刺鲤科鱼类(boneless gene-edited carp)新种质,结束了半个多世纪以来关于肌间刺是否可选育的全球争论。
The new variety, which was created using gene editing, ends a global debate for more than 50 years on whether intermuscular bones can be reproduced, according to the institute.
"People will no longer have to pick out tiny fish bones,"said the team."This can greatly change the global fish diet culture and habits, and have a profound impact on boosting consumption of aquatic products in the future.
"The genetic improvement of crucian carp without intermuscular bones is a bold innovation in the breeding industry with Chinese characteristics,"said Li."It is an effective way to solve the problem of having a large quantity but a low efficiency in crucian carp production, which will rapidly improve the core competitiveness of our breeding industry and lead the reform of Chinese aquaculture."
"Since the year's beginning, we have been carrying out ecological security assessments, including on their abilities in swimming, frost-resistance and breeding, and the risk of being preyed upon,"said Kuang.
"We are conducting the development on a sterile variety, which can help eliminate possible impacts caused by gene-edited fish in the wild."The team expects to complete its research by 2025, he added.
实习生:李嘉薇 王雨凡
来源:中国日报 科技日报 红星新闻 新晚报 中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所
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