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发布时间:2022-08-28 17:19:01宰蝶澜来源:
1、科威特的港口分为以下几个:Shuwaikh Port Shuaiba PortDoha Port 主要港口为Shuwaikh和ShuaibaShuwaikh港最靠近市区,运输方便。
3、以下港口信息摘自科威特政府网站:-Kuwaiti Ports are the window for the State to the external world. They contributed much in Kuwait economic and constructional development. Kuwait has three important ports, which are Shuwaikh Port, Shuaiba Port and Doha Port.Shuwaikh Port is considered the main commercial port in Kuwait. It contains 21 berths of which 14 berths are 10 meters deep, 4 berths are 8.5 meters deep and 3 berths are 6.7 meters deep. The ships traffic entering and leaving the port is through a navigation channel dredged inside Kuwait Bay. The length of this channel is about 8 km and its depth is 8.5 meters at a minimum water tide level. At any tide condition, the port can receive ships of 7.5 meters draft, and at high tide, the port may receive vessels of 9.6 meters draft.Shuaiba Port is the second major port in Kuwait. It contains platforms for handling commercial traffic, containers and oil products platform. This platform is managed by Kuwait National Petroleum Company. The port includes 20 berths with depths ranging from 10 to 14 meters. Four of these berths are used for containers. The oil pier has a water depth of 16 meters. Two small sea Craft and Barge basins are located at the port.Doha Port is the third port in Kuwait. It is a small coastal port with 4.3 meters depth. Doha port is mainly used for crafts, barges and small ships sailing among Gulf countries and performing coastal services. It is a semi-closed basin by wave partitions. Nine basins extend inside the port with small berths.For more information about Kuwait Ports, please visit the website Kuwaiti Ports Foundation。
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