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发布时间:2022-08-13 02:30:36柳晓蓝来源:
1、Today, I saw a book written test on the "atmospheric pressure" -- "paper to hold the water", in the heart have been tempted, ready to do something.I took a glass from the cupboard, a piece of paper. I in a cup, put half a cup of water, and then took half a piece of paper, the paper cover over the glass, immediately reversed, "wow" sound and all the water flow out, the experiment failed, I have a bit frustrated the, heart think "why others can success and I was an unsuccessful the??" I was determined to do it again, fill the cup with water, covered with pieces of paper, left hand and hold the disk, right hand the cup carefully lift, quickly reversed, when toward the mouth of the cup and carefully your left hand down. Hey! "I am successful" I started to dance with joy.。
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