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发布时间:2022-08-08 00:18:43郝栋奇来源:

导读 您好,蔡蔡就为大家解答关于函数text是什么意思中文,函数text是什么意思相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、text [tekst]...


1、text [tekst] n. 正文, 原文, 课文, 课本 text [tekst] n. 正文,本文 原文 版本 the original text of War and peace. 《战争与和平》的原版本 课本 (= textbook) text AHD:[tµkst] D.J.:[tekst] K.K.:[tWkst] n. The original words of something written or printed, as opposed to a paraphrase, translation, revision, or condensation. 原文与意译,翻译。

2、修订或缩写相对的手写或印刷的原文 The words of a speech appearing in print. 演讲稿印刷出的演讲词 The body of a printed work as distinct from headings and illustrative matter on a page or from front and back matter in a book. 正文与题目和解释性文字或封面与封底相区别的印刷著作主体 One of the editions or forms of a written work: 版本所写著作的一个版本或形式: After examining all three manuscripts, he published a new text of the poem. 检查了全部三种手稿后,他出版了这首诗的新版本 A passage from the Scriptures or another authoritative source chosen for the subject of a discourse or cited for support in argument. 引文为论文主题或支持论点从《圣经》或其它权威著作引用的段落 A passage from a written work used as the starting point of a discussion. 主题所写著作中用作讨论开始的段落 A subject; a topic. 题目,话题 A textbook. 教科书。


