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Guizhou Echo | 这一波,贵州又圈“国际粉”了
发布时间:2023-04-13 04:29:08莫可娜来源:
Yesterday (April 12nd),the 3-day event as “Guarding the Blue Planet: International Youth Trip to Guizhou” has ended in Zunyi city.
A group photo in the City of Chinese Wine Culture
In this event, the ambassadors to China, youth diplomat representatives, international scholars, foreign influencers, and international students who are from Colombia, Jamaica, Solomon Islands, Mongolia, Russia, Egypt, South Korea, Senegal, Malawi, Ghana, Bangladesh, Pakistan and other countries had visited 15 areas in Zunyi. They experienced how to plucking tea in Meitan. Then, they tasted sun-dried vinegar and visited Zhuhai National Forest Park, which was as known as the sea of bamboo in Chishui. Also, they discovered the culture of Moutai and how Moutai distills their liquor. After that, they went to Wu Paper Mill in Wujiang and learned how to craft intangible cultural heritage arts with paper and flowers; they studied the important history of the Zunyi Conference. They gave praise about Guizhou’s industries, progress of its economy, and local cultures after they visited.
A Group Photo of Jose Francisco Diaz Ulloa, Minister of the Embassy of the Republic of Colombia in China, with Local People
Theresia Shanel, the Temporary Chargé d'Affaires of the Solomon Islands Embassy in China, Roast Tea Leaves
In Meitan, Jose Francisco Diaz Ulloa, Minister of the Embassy of the Republic of Colombia in China, stated that his country is famous for its coffee while Guizhou is famous for its tea, and this made him feel at home even though the plants were different. Theresia Shanel, the Temporary Chargé d'Affaires of the Solomon Islands Embassy in China, said that she fell in love with Guizhou and wanted to come again with her friends.
Foreign Influencers and International Students Visit the City of Chinese Wine Culture
In Moutai, Huan Huan, who is from Russia, said that she loved the attractive views of this place and the nice smells of liquor. Zhengxi Liu, who comes from Egypt, talked about how he liked the culture of liquor in China, which embodied the enthusiasm and wisdom of Chinese people.
A group photo in the bamboo sea national forest park
Today (April 13), the first “International Dialogue on Stories of Global Development” conference is going to be hosted in Zunyi. Soon, many of the national diplomatic envoys in China, representatives of young diplomats, representatives of international youth scholars, and foreign students are going to discuss the problems of the global development. They are going to discover the theories of Chinese path to modernization and explain it to the world in order to promote the global development effectively.
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