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Linyi County realizes interbasin water transfer within the county

发布时间:2022-11-14 13:41:20冯力罡来源:

导读 To solve the problem of serious shortage of regulation and storage projects, Linyi County has put forward the co...

To solve the problem of serious shortage of regulation and storage projects, Linyi County has put forward the concept of water system construction of"diverting water from the Yellow River to ensure people's livelihood and diverting water from the Tuhaihe River for ecological protection"after several explorations and demonstrations, that is, diverting water from the Tuhaihe River to supplement the water resource by taking engineering measures, and diverting water from the Yellow River and the Tuhaihe River to increase water demand in the county, to meet the production, living and ecological water demand of the whole county.

Linyi County has carried out high-standard comprehensive treatment of the riverway of the main canal for diverting water from the Tuhaihe River about 15 km from the canal head to the Niujiaodian Gate, restored the original design section, built a new pump station for diverting water from the Tuhaihe River and Wangshugangou Ditch regulator, repaired and rebuilt the crossing box culvert in the south section of the urban area of Chunfeng River, realizing the interbasin water transfer within the county, and diverting the water from the main canal for diverting water from the Tuhaihe River to Wangshugangou Ditch and Chunfeng River. Through the construction of the pump station for diverting water from the Tuhaihe River, Wangshugangou Ditch regulator, repairing and rebuilding the crossing box culvert in the south section of the urban area of Chunfeng River, the water source of the main canal for diverting water from the Tuhaihe River has been diverted to the urban area, realizing"clean river moistening Licheng".

The project also meets the agricultural irrigation water demand of villages and towns along the river. Wangshugangou Ditch and Sanfangan have met the irrigation water demand of more than 300,000 mu of farmland in Xingdong Sub-district, Mengsi Town, Su'an Township, Zhaijia Town, Lihewu Town and other townships.

齐鲁网·闪电新闻11月14日讯 为破解调蓄工程严重不足的窘境,临邑县几经探索论证,提出“引黄保民生 引徒保生态”的水系建设构想,即通过工程措施引徒补源,引黄引徒双管齐下,增加县域需水量,满足全县生产、生活、生态用水需求。



闪电新闻记者 郑秀程 通讯员 程元金 周文帅 德州报道


