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Linyi carries out the "excellent jurists go to the grass root" activity to make the people access to legal knowledge

发布时间:2022-11-14 13:41:14劳浩雅来源:

导读 This year, Linyi County carried out the "excellent jurists go to the grass root" series activity. Townships (stre...

This year, Linyi County carried out the"excellent jurists go to the grass root"series activity. Townships (streets), relevant units and 44 law popularization lecturers have closely cooperated, carefully prepared and organized 588 grassroots law popularization activities in 6 months, covering 438 villages (communities), 86 schools, 27 key enterprises and 37 urban residential areas in Linyi County. They have distributed more than 120,000 publicity materials, answered more than 2,400 questions on the spot for the masses, resolved 256 disputes, and provided 16 legal aids.

Through profound theories in simple language and typical cases, the lecturers have explained the legal knowledge closely related to the grassroots masses, such as the Civil Code, the Law on Administrative Penalties, and reminded everyone to protect their legitimate rights and interests with the law in daily life and work together to create a harmonious and happy home.

齐鲁网·闪电新闻11月14日讯 今年,临邑县开展了“优秀法学家走基层”系列活动。各乡镇(街道)、相关单位和44名普法讲师密切配合、认真筹备、精心组织,历时6个月共开展基层普法活动588场次,覆盖全县438个村(社区)、86所学校、27个重点企业、37个城市居民小区,发放宣传资料12万余份,为群众现场解答疑问2400余条,调解化解矛盾纠纷256起,开展法律援助16件。


闪电新闻记者 郑秀程 通讯员 徐彬 德州报道


