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0030 Hope Island|99%的人看第一眼就想购买的私人岛屿

发布时间:2023-01-09 08:00:17蔡翔柔来源:

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原标题:0030 Hope Island|99%的人看第一眼就想购买的私人岛屿

关注「岛鸣国际 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


除了私人岛屿的客观条件之外,岛屿的价值往往会因其独特的开发而不断提升。今天分享一座堪称岛屿开发典范的私人岛屿——Hope Island

In addition to the objective conditions of a private island, the value of an island is often enhanced by its unique development. This issue will introduce Hope Island, a private island that is a model of island development.

Hope Island位于美国缅因州,离波士顿也不远。它是波特兰市附近卡斯科湾的一座私人岛屿,从缅因州波特兰乘船25分钟便可到达该岛。

Hope Island is located in the US state of Maine, not far from Boston. A private island in Casco Bay near Portland, it is a 25-minute boat ride from Portland, Maine.


Set on 86 acres, this private island boasts classic rocky Maine shoreline and approximately 11,050 feet of beachfront. The previous owner spent more than 20 years renovating and redeveloping the island, which has now been transformed into an extraordinary estate.


The main residence on the island covers 11,658 square feet and has nine bedrooms, seven bathrooms and five fireplaces. The interior is luxuriously decorated, with a spiral staircase in the middle and chandeliers at the top. In addition to the regular kitchen and courtyard, the island also has a 600-square-foot tavern and an island chapel. The origin of the church came from the owner's wife's prayer for her husband when he was absent overnight due to bad weather. She was willing to build a church to pray for his safe return.


The previous owner built a 3,300-square-foot detached guest house, a staff apartment, and roads around the island. There are even chicken coops, peacock bird houses and garages, a boat dock with a deep-water dock and a helipad.


The boathouse and barn on the island total 8,268 square feet, and another 5,100 square foot stable comes with a hay shed, feed room, tack room and 10 more corrals. The island is also home to nine ponds, sandy and rocky beaches, power generators and a waste recycling station.

Hope Island有独立的能源系统,包括海底电缆和备用发电机。岛上通过15口钻井提供水源,还配备了独立的化粪池系统。此外,海洋深处还建造了一个大型预制混凝土着陆坡道,能够容纳驳船运输材料和重型设备,包括起重机、水泥车和拖拉机拖车。这些都为岛屿的进一步开发和改造提供了极大的便利。

Hope Island has its own energy system, including undersea cables and backup generators. The island is supplied with water from 15 wells and is equipped with a separate septic system. In addition, a large prefabricated concrete landing ramp was built deep in the ocean, capable of accommodating barges to transport materials and heavy equipment, including cranes, cement trucks and tractor trailers. All these provide great convenience for the further development and transformation of the island.

前任岛主夫妻在Hope Island的开发上倾注了许多心血,这座岛屿凝聚了他们对美好岛屿生活的想象与向往。该岛为永久产权且性价比极高,不过已经于2021年售出。感兴趣的话欢迎关注我们,持续分享该岛的最新买卖信息。

Hope Island, which the former owners of the island have devoted their lives to, embodies their vision of a better island life. The island is freehold and nicely-priced, but it has been sold in 2021. If interested, please follow us to gain the latest information about the sale of the island.


Thanks for your time! Until next time!



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Global Domain 「岛鸣国际」是私人岛屿生活方式的倡导者,致力于提供全球范围内真实有效的私人岛屿销售信息及配套服务。在疫情和地缘政治冲突风险加大的新时代背景下,为高净值人群对资金安全和人身安全的双重需求提出创新性的解决方案。



