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howispendmysparetime 80字作文带翻译
发布时间:2022-08-24 13:09:44寇烁婵来源:
您好,蔡蔡就为大家解答关于howispendmysparetime 80字作文带翻译相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
2、对我而言,如果只写一篇英文小短文的话,可以只谈三点,例文如下:How to Spend Our Spare TimeTime is precious to us all. It is often said that we can buy almost any thing in this world, except time. Everyone can become old, and nobody can prevent time from passing by. Thus, we should spend our time on things that we really should do.As students, we should really think about what are the most important to us, and decide to spend time on these important things. For me, there are three things that I want to spend my precious time on. First, I would spend some time on sport everyday after school because doing exercises can be good for my health. Second, I would spend time on reading because reading helps me enhance myself by adding more knowledge. And lastly, I would spend time with my family because family cannot be ignored after school and work.To use one sentence to conclude I have said, I would spend my spare time on sport, reading and staying with my family.望采纳!。
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