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发布时间:2022-08-04 14:36:50澹台珠晶来源:
1、Since entering new century, our national economy kept the situation that grows at a sustained, fast and sound manner, some contradictions and questions under the system were further embodied in the past, became the serious obstacle of the socialist market economy system of comprehensive construction, this kind of question concentrates on being reflected by property relations of state-owned enterprise. Because the property right is core of the ownership and main content, the breach as the SOE reform, the property right is not changed, other several reforms are difficult to go on, property relations do not innovate, set up modern enterprise system and will not know where to begin. The property relations reform is decisive factors whether SOE reforms of our country succeed or not, whether can get rid of the constraint of planned economic system completely, realize the important sign of division between politics and enterprises. So, must establish the correct and effective relations between ownership and management of enterprises between the country and state-owned enterprise, set up and belong to clearly and having well defined power and responsibility, protecting smooth modern property relations strictly, circulating.。
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